Thanks so much for your interest in making your dog a Diggity Doggy! We can’t wait to meet you and your pup! First, let’s make sure your pup is ready to be a Diggity Doggy!!!

IMPORTANT! We are DIFFERENT than your typical dog daycare and dog boarder; please read the below bullet points before enrolling, so you understand how our program works before spending time filling everything out. THANKS!

Safety, Health, Temperament, Attendance Requirements, and Tour Information:

  • (Temperament & Safety) Dog and people friendly, completely non-aggressive and avoids fights/biting, non-dominating (mounting, forceful play, ignoring social cues, etc), non-damaging (repetitive marking inside with urine/feces, biting and/or destroying equipment/furniture, etc), and not overly anxious/overexcited while attending (barking, whining, and/or other anxious behaviors). Further details about barking and whining can be found on our daycare tab.
  • (Temperament) Kennel/crate comfortable (free from barking, crying, trying to break out, or other restless/anxious behaviors). This applies for dog daycare in addition to dog boarding, as we have a 2 hour nap time every daycare day and our goal is to have a very quiet, restful, and relaxing experience for all. We even turn down most of the lights and play classical, relaxing music!
  • (Attendance) As our main focus is teaching and maintaining social skills, safely and as properly as we are able, all dogs that attend for both overnight boarding (see below for limited time overnight boarding exception offer) and daycare, attend daycare 2-5 times per week on a consistent weekly basis. This consistency helps tremendously with safety, burning off the appropriate amount of energy needed, separation anxiety, with maintaining and obtaining social skills, and is one of the main reasons why it is safer and more comfortable here at Diggity Doggy than at other daycares. We made this change after noticing for many years that the majority of issues were happening with dogs that attended less than twice per week and it has proven to be what’s best for the dogs and the pack. Also, some dogs may be asked to come a specific amount of times per week if energy levels are high and/or there are behaviors to be worked on.
    (This paragraph currently does not apply and is for informational future purposes only; see below for limited time overnight boarding exception offer) For those that are initially looking for overnight boarding and then continuing with weekly daycare afterwards: All new dogs need to first attend daycare with us for a minimum of 30-60 days (or longer if needed) so they are acclimated to the pack, rules, and environment when they first stay overnight. Further details regarding this can be found at the top of our boarding page under the heading, “Important Note”. 
  • (LIMITED TIME OFFER FOR OVERNIGHT BOARDING) Prior to each boarding stay, after passing our temperament test, each new dog and non-regular attending dog, will be asked to do the following before officially qualifying for an overnight stay:

    1. Attend daycare 6 days before an overnight stay within 2 weeks before the overnight stay

    2. Spend one test night with us (after at least 3 successful days of daycare).

    If everything goes well with the daycare visits and test night, your new dog(s) or non-regular attending dog, or dogs, will be officially passed for an overnight stay. Further details regarding this process and why we have it can be found here.

  • (Safety & Health) Minimum age of 12 weeks of age. All puppies need to have all puppy boosters completed for Bordetella and Distemper/Parvo and in their system for at least 3 days before we meet for the first time)
  • (Safety & Health) Current on Bordetella Distemper/Parvo
  • (Safety & Health) Current on Rabies (if five months or older)
  • (Safety & Health) Negative fecal (most recent and within a year)
  • (Safety & Health) Spayed or neutered (if six months or older)
  • (Safety & Health) Free of flea and ticks with current flea/tick prevention in place
  • (Safety) Wearing soft, simple, and standard collar with name tags (snugly fit without loops or chains)
  • Tours: We no longer do walk through tours because when we did, it very much so stressed out our Diggity Doggies, as it’s almost every dog’s instinct to protect their environment. It also took time away from their day. One of our primary goals here at Diggity Doggy is to provide as much of a stress free and enjoyable experience as possible, and this helps with that a great deal! To see our facility’s play areas, please see our tour page. You can also visit us on Facebook and Instagram; we post 40-80 current pictures of our play areas every day we’re open for daycare!!!

Steps involved prior to first attending our program and visiting us:

  1. Complete the Customer Profile and Temperament Test Day Request (see below).
  2. We will reply via email typically within 1 business day, but no later than 2 business days, with a date and time (always on available Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays at 7 am; see bottom of Enrollment for further details) for your temperament test. We will request for you to provide a copy of your veterinarian reminder page within 24-48 hours showing your next due dates for all required vaccines (listed above) as well the results of your most recent fecal in order to keep your date scheduled, so please get that ready in advance. Whenever possible, please provide the reminder page rather than submitting all of your vet records; this helps us tremendously with the verification process, as vet records can be an extremely lengthy, difficult, and time consuming read. We will also provide a contract to sign along with detailed instructions for and details regarding the temperament test day. Sometimes this email goes to spam, so please check there if you don’t see our reply within 1-2 business days after you submit this enrollment. If you still don’t see our reply, please call us and let us know. 
  3. Complete and pass temperament test day.

Once any dog passes their temperament test day, they are free to attend!

TOURS: We no longer do walk through tours because when we did, it very much so stressed out our Diggity Doggies. It also took time away from their day. One of our primary goals here at Diggity Doggy is to provide as much of a stress free and enjoyable environment as possible, and this helps with that a great deal! To see our facility, please see our tour page. You can also visit us on Facebook and Instagram; we post 40-80 current pictures of our play areas every day we’re open for daycare!!!


Name Age Sex Weight Breed Fixed?

All temperament test dogs are dropped off at 7am, so the new dog of the day is the first to come in and he/she can meet each daycare dog one at a time sporadically as they come in for the day. This makes for a much less stressful and more enjoyable first day for the new pup! Temperament tests are scheduled in advance on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

Temperament tests cost $35 per dog. If all goes well and we don't have any issues that require an early pick-up, your dog will get a complimentary day of daycare on the same day of the temperament test (immediately following the main "meet and greet" portion of the temperament test that happens between 7-10 am). Pick up will be between 5-6 pm for this day only (typically it is 4-6 pm). This allows your dog to have a full day of fun and allows us a chance for further evaluation. You will see your dog introduced in our daily Facebook video/pics and/or our Instagram videos. New customers usually get a big kick out of that! We usually post between 4-6 pm.

If we have any serious issues at any time during the temperament test day, we will contact you and your dog may unfortunately need to be picked up right away. Please be prepared for that possibility.